Our Ghostwriting Team

Our team of writing experts believes that everyone has an interesting story, creative idea, and an impactful message that requires the best opportunity to spread in the form of a book.

Jason Wayne


Jason Wayne, an award-winning writer and editor with unmatched passion and years of experience under his belt. Over the years, Jason has helped many mainstream writers, professionals and starters with their work – helping them realize their goals and writing ambitions. With a history of producing masterpiece sets of writings, he is one of the most valuable assets at Versatile Ghostwriters. Jason is always ready to take up new and challenging projects and proving himself over and over again.

Melissa Robert


With unprecedented success with Memoirs and Biographies, Melissa Roberts is a gem to have on the team. From time to time, not only she has done great work but has provided opportunities to the Versatile Ghostwriters’ team to learn and explore new avenues in the industry and deliver anything but classy pieces of writing and editorial reviews.

Jana Gibson


Jana Gibson is New York Times’ bestselling author and ranked among the most reputed authors in the United States of America. From a very young age, Jana Gibson was appreciated and recognized for her extraordinary writing skills. She shares the same passion for producing written art as the rest of the Versatile Ghostwriters’ team. Her hard work and imaginative thinking is a blessing!

Nicholas Brown


With a Master’s Degree in Child Psychology, Nicholas Brown has helped institutions around the world to develop curriculums and training programs for effective learning and growth. Nicholas Brown loves to explore new dimensions in child psychology and help us with technical writing. An absolute advantage to have him on the team.

Patricia Chambers


A born reader and writer, Patricia Chambers is an extremely talented storyteller. She has an extraordinary command over fiction and non-fiction writing and an ability to captivate her readers with her masterpieces. Patricia is a highly successful individual in many capacities other than a writer and that is exactly what separates her from the crowd. Her hobbies include reading, listening and composing music and homemaking.